1st Call for Project Proposals – Stage B – Submission of Project Proposals

Call 1st Call for Project Proposals – Stage B – Submission of Project Proposals
Status Open Opening Date 04/10/2024 Closing Date 13/11/2024
PRIORITY 1 - Transition to a low carbon economy RSO2.6. Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy

a) National, regional, or local public bodies:
b) Bodies governed by public law (as defined in Article 2(4) of Directive 2014/24/EU);
c) Bodies governed by private law, non-profit organisations founded according to private law;
d) International organisations registered under the national law of the Partner States of the Programme;
e) European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC).

RSO2.7. Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution

a) National, regional, or local public bodies:
b) Bodies governed by public law (as defined in Article 2(4) of Directive 2014/24/EU);
c) Bodies governed by private law, non-profit organisations founded according to private law;
d) International organisations registered under the national law of the Partner States of the Programme;
e) European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC).

PRIORITY 3 - Support & upgrade of health & social services RSO4.5. Ensuring equal access to health care and fostering resilience of health systems, including primary care, and promoting the transition from institutional to family- and community-based care

a) National, regional, or local public bodies:
b) Bodies governed by public law (as defined in Article 2(4) of Directive 2014/24/EU);
c) Bodies governed by private law, non-profit organisations founded according to private law;
d) International organisations registered under the national law of the Partner States of the Programme;
e) European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC).

RSO4.6. Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation

a) National, regional, or local public bodies:
b) Bodies governed by public law (as defined in Article 2(4) of Directive 2014/24/EU);
c) Bodies governed by private law, non-profit organisations founded according to private law;
d) International organisations registered under the national law of the Partner States of the Programme;
e) European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC).

Total Call Budget 18.045.455,50€ Call EU Financing 14.436.364,40€
Call National Funds 3.609.091,10€
Eligible Area
  • Greece
  • EL522 - Thessaloniki
  • EL523 - Kilkis
  • EL524 - Pella
  • EL526 - Serres
  • EL531 - Kozani
  • EL533 - Florina
  • North Macedonia
  • MK001 - Vardar
  • MK003 - Southwest
  • MK004 - Southeast
  • MK005 - Pelagonia

The Managing Authority of the Interreg IPA  Greece-North Macedonia 2021-2027 Programme is launching  Stage B of the  1st Call for Project Proposals of Common Projects, with a substantial budget of € 18,045 million.

Lead Beneficiaries whose Concept Notes were positively assessed in Stage A are required to submit their detailed Application Form, along with all mandatory documents specified in the Call, exclusively through the MIS.

The project proposal is submitted on the MIS

-from 04/10/2024 (start date for submission of proposals), time 09:00 Greek local time (CET+1)

-until exclusively 13/11/2024 (deadline for submission of proposals), time 14:00 Greek local time (CET+1) at the latest.

Applicants are provided with answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the Programme funding and application process. Questions may be posed in written via e-mail (to jts-ipa-cbc@mou.gr), no later than fifteen (15) calendar days before the deadline for the submission of proposals. The answers will be uploaded at the Programme website (FAQs section).


The application package consists of:
•The “1st Open call for Project Proposals” (the present document)
•The Programme and Project Implementation Manual (PPIM), as in force
•The annexes of the PPIM to be filled in and submitted attached to the Application Form via MIS

➢Annex 1: The “Partnership Declaration” (standard form provided), duly signed and stamped by the legal representative of the Lead Beneficiary and Project Beneficiaries;
➢Annex 3: The “Justification of Budget Form” (standard excel form provided) completed, expressed in euro, officially signed and stamped by the legal representative of the Lead Beneficiary (in pdf format) and an editable copy in excel format;
➢Annex 5: The “State Aid Declaration” (standard form provided) duly signed and stamped by the legal representative of each partner separately (only for Greek beneficiaries);
➢Annex 6: The “Project Maturity Sheet” (for equipment, investment, external expertise & services) (standard form provided) completed, duly signed and stamped by the legal representative of each partner separately;
➢Annex 7: The “Project Feasibility Study” (guidelines provided) duly signed and stamped by the legal representative of the Lead Beneficiary;
➢Annex 8: The “Climate Endurance Validation Report” (standard form provided) for LB/PB that implement investments on infrastructure with expected lifecycle at least 5 years, duly signed and stamped by the legal representatives of the partners with relevant activities, if applicable;
➢Annex 9: The “SEA Compliance Form” (standard form provided) duly signed and stamped by the legal representative of the Lead Beneficiary;
➢Annex 20: The “Legal Entity Form” for IPA Beneficiaries (standard form provided) duly signed and stamped by the legal representative of the IPA beneficiaries).

The above documents are submitted electronically, under penalty of disqualification, as an attachment to the Application Form and cannot be requested as supplementary documents.
•The Annexes of the PPIM to support the potential Beneficiaries in drafting and submitting of the Project Proposal:

➢Annex 2: Project Detailed Description
➢Annex 4: Justification of Budget Cost Manual
➢Annex 10: Programme Output & Result Indicators Guide
➢Annex 11: Charter of fundamental rights
➢Annex 12: Table of COFOG Classification
➢Annex13: Project Selection Methodology
➢Annex 15: Selection Criteria
➢Annex 16: Guidelines for applying in MIS 2021-2027
➢Annex 17: Technical Guidance for Beneficiary User Registration and Account Management
➢Annex 18: Ministerial Decision 45820/17-05-2023 (Government Gazette B’ 3218/17-05-2023) concerning “Expenditure eligibility rules, public procurement, complaints of the beneficiaries of the INTERREG Programmes 2021-2027”
➢Annex19: Technical Guidance of MIS 2021 – 2027
➢Annex 22: Subsidy Contract
➢Annex 23: Partnership Agreement
➢Annex 27: Communication Guide for Project Beneficiaries


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