EU links
- European Union
- European Commission
- European Neighbourhood Policy And Enlargement Negotiations
- European Territorial Cooperation
Member State
- Ministry of Economy and Finance
- National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2021-2027
- Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes
- Region of Western Macedonia
- Region of Central Macedonia
IPA Beneficiary Country
- Ministry of Local Self Government
- Secretariat for European Affairs
- Pelagonija region
- South-East region
- Vardar region
- South-West region
Other links
- Programme information in KEEP Database
- Public Procurement in the EU Single Market – Current rules, thresholds, and guidelines
- Tenders Electronic Daily (Supplement of the Official Journal dealing with publications)
- Hellenic Single Public Procurement Authority
- Procedures and Practical Guide (PRAG)
- EUR-Lex (Access to European Union Law)
- Regiostars Awards
- Interreg Cooperation Day