Call 1st Call for Project Proposals – Stage A – Submission of Concept Note by the Lead Beneficiary
Priority Axis PRIORITY 1 - Transition to a low carbon economy
Specific Objective RSO2.6. Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy
Country North Macedonia
Organization / Entity REDI NGO
First Name Dina
Last Name Arnaut
Address Crvena Voda 37
Contact Phone +38971353536
What type of beneficiaries are you looking for? Relevant CSO's and/or Governmental and municipal bodies and agencies in the area of circular economy, registered in the regions of Florina, Serres, Pella, Kilkis, Thessaloniki or Kozani.
Project idea title "EcoHarmony: Catalyzing Circular Innovation for Inclusive Growth, Marginalized Empowerment, and Cross-Border Synergy on the EU Accession Journey"
Specific problem to be addressed A visionary project designed to catalyze circular innovation for inclusive growth, empowering marginalized communities at the same time, and fostering cross-border collaboration between Greece and North Macedonia. This initiative embodies the European Union's values of sustainability, innovation, and cooperation among neighbors. By strategically integrating circular economy principles, our project aims to create a harmonious ecosystem where innovation becomes the driving force for positive social and economic change. "EcoHarmony" not only aligns with EU priorities but also serves as a testament to the commitment of both nations in building a shared, resilient future. Through this transformative initiative, we aspire to contribute significantly to the EU's vision of a circular, inclusive, and collaborative community.
Main project activities planned 1. Circular Innovation Hubs: Establish collaborative hubs in the regions covered by the project's scope, fostering innovation in circular economy practices. These hubs will serve as centers for knowledge exchange, idea incubation, and the development of sustainable solutions.

2. Marginalized Community Empowerment & Inclusion Programs: Implement targeted programs to empower marginalized communities in both regions. This includes skill development, entrepreneurship training, and access to resources for participating in circular economy initiatives.

3. Cross-Border Knowledge Exchange Workshops: Organize workshops, seminars, and training sessions to facilitate cross-border knowledge exchange. Experts and professionals from both countries will share insights, best practices, and innovations in circular economy.

4. Innovation Challenges and Competitions: Host innovation challenges and competitions to encourage the development of novel solutions in circular economy practices. This will engage entrepreneurs, startups, and community members to contribute their ideas and projects.

5. Pilot Circular Economy Initiatives: Implement pilot projects in selected communities to demonstrate the feasibility and impact of circular economy practices. These initiatives may include waste management systems, recycling and upcycling, sustainable production processes, and eco-friendly product development.

6. Cross-Border Collaborative Research: Facilitate collaborative research projects between institutions in Greece and North Macedonia, focusing on circular economy trends, marginalized community dynamics, and the intersection of these areas.

7. Awareness Campaigns: Launch comprehensive awareness campaigns in both regions to inform and educate the public about the benefits of circular economy practices, the empowerment of marginalized communities, and the significance of cross-border cooperation for EU accession.

8. Capacity Building for NGOs and Local Authorities: Provide capacity-building programs for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local authorities, enhancing their ability to support and implement circular economy initiatives and community empowerment projects.

9. Policy Advocacy and Alignment: Engage with policymakers in both countries to advocate for supportive policies regarding circular economy practices and the inclusion of marginalized communities. Seek alignment with EU accession requirements and sustainability goals.

10. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the impact of the project activities. Regular assessments will ensure the effectiveness of the initiatives and enable adjustments for continuous improvement throughout the project duration.
Expected outputs and results 1. Establishment of Circular Innovation Hubs:

Output: Two fully equipped Circular Innovation Hubs in both Greece and North Macedonia.
Result: Increased collaboration, knowledge exchange, and innovation in circular economy practices.

2. Marginalized Community Empowerment Programs:

Output: Skill development programs, entrepreneurship training, and resource access for marginalized communities.
Result: Improved livelihoods, increased economic opportunities, and enhanced community resilience and inclusion in the circular economy practices.

3. Cross-Border Knowledge Exchange Workshops:

Output: 10 workshops and seminars conducted with participation from experts in both countries.
Result: Enhanced expertise, shared best practices, and strengthened networks between professionals.

4. Innovation Challenges and Competitions:

- Output: 5 innovative projects developed and showcased through competitions.
- Result: Encouraged entrepreneurship, increased awareness, and adoption of circular economy practices.

5. Pilot Circular Economy Initiatives:

- Output: Implementation of 6 pilot projects demonstrating sustainable practices.
- Result: Tangible examples of successful circular economy initiatives, inspiring broader adoption.

6. Cross-Border Collaborative Research:

- Output: 3 joint research projects initiated and ongoing between institutions in both countries.
- Result: Shared knowledge base, improved research capabilities, and informed policy recommendations.

7. Awareness Campaigns:

- Output: 10 awareness campaigns conducted through various channels.
- Result: Increased public understanding of circular economy benefits, marginalized empowerment, and the importance of cross-border cooperation.

8. Capacity Building for NGOs and Local Authorities:

- Output: 2 capacity-building programs conducted for NGOs and local authorities.
- Result: Strengthened capabilities to support and implement circular economy and community empowerment initiatives.

9. Policy Advocacy and Alignment:

- Output: Advocacy initiatives and policy recommendations aligned with EU accession requirements.
- Result: Supportive policies fostering circular economy practices, marginalized inclusion, and cross-border collaboration.

10. Monitoring and Evaluation:

- Output: Regular reports and assessments of project activities.
- Result: Informed decision-making, continuous improvement, and documented impact on communities, innovation, and collaboration.

The cumulative result of these outputs will contribute to the overarching goal of "EcoHarmony," creating a sustainable, inclusive, and collaborative landscape for marginalized communities in Greece and North Macedonia, as North Macedonia continues its EU accession journey.
State your area of expertise / interest Circular economy, entrepreneurship, building eco - system, recycling, upcycling, green economy, advocacy for marginalized communities, innovation, digitalisation, etc.
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