NGO Stena Stenae

NGO Stena Stenae

Call 1st Call for Project Proposals – Stage A – Submission of Concept Note by the Lead Beneficiary
Priority Axis PRIORITY 1 - Transition to a low carbon economy
Specific Objective RSO2.7. Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution
Country North Macedonia
Organization / Entity NGO Stena Stenae
First Name Ιgor
Last Name Ristovski
Address Marshal Tito no.11, 1442 Demir Kapija
Contact Phone _
What type of beneficiaries are you looking for? geopark, protected areas, biodiversity and ecology NGOs
Project idea title Assessing vulnerability of the natural heritage, green infrastructure and bio (geo)diversity in respect to natural hazards & climate change in order to increase resilience and achieve sustainable tourism of the protected areas.
Specific problem to be addressed vulnerability of geosites and green infstrastructure, establishing baseline and data gathering of species/habitats, determine significant risks, so called "hotspots" and drivers in order to increase resilience and enable achievement of Sustainable goals/tourism. This will enable better protection f important areas and provide tools/mechanisms for State/regional and local governments to monitor, evaluate and increased disaster risk preparedness in a changing climate.
Main project activities planned To analyse vulnerability of geosites in selected Geoparks from various natural disasters (geo-hazards potential), including climate change, determine the hotspots and develop short/long-term measures (solutions) to conserve and protect the heritage (natural/geo-heritage).
Expected outputs and results Database, GIS, Guidebook on vulnerability assessment, short/long-term measures (solutions) to conserve and protect the heritage (natural/geo-heritage).
State your area of expertise / interest Geodiversity, geosite/heritage assessment, ecology modelling, climate change vulnerability & adaptation plans, disaster risk reduction, sustainable tourism.
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