Municipality of Radovish and Public communal enterprise Plavaja from Radovish

Municipality of Radovish and Public communal enterprise Plavaja from Radovish

Call 1st Call for Project Proposals – Stage A – Submission of Concept Note by the Lead Beneficiary
Priority Axis PRIORITY 1 - Transition to a low carbon economy
Specific Objective RSO2.7. Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution
Country North Macedonia
Organization / Entity Municipality of Radovish and Public communal enterprise Plavaja from Radovish
First Name Lazar
Last Name Gazepov
Address Bul. Aleksandar Makedonski no.7
Contact Phone +38975493191
What type of beneficiaries are you looking for? Municipality and/or Public communal enterprise
Project idea title " River basin management and water leakage reduction"
Specific problem to be addressed Adaptation to climate change , prevention of natural disasters and drinking water management including reduction of water leakages.
Main project activities planned 1. construction of naturally friendly based adaptation measures (prevention of floods and landslides).
2. implementation of digital remote water meters
3. detection of drinking water system leakage and their sanation.
4. workshops and transfer of know-how.
5. Media Promotion.
Expected outputs and results 1. Public evets organization.
2. participation in joint cross border actions.
3. constructed naturally based measures for flooding and landslide prevention.
4. implemented digital system for drinking water management.
State your area of expertise / interest Environmental protection and water management.
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