Municipality of Kicevo

Municipality of Kicevo

Call 1st Call for Project Proposals – Stage A – Submission of Concept Note by the Lead Beneficiary
Priority Axis PRIORITY 1 - Transition to a low carbon economy
Specific Objective RSO2.6. Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy
Country North Macedonia
Organization / Entity Municipality of Kicevo
First Name Dejan
Last Name -
Address Boris Kidric n.1
Contact Phone -
What type of beneficiaries are you looking for? All the eligible potential beneficiaries
Project idea title According to the specific objectives below:
RSO2.6: Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy
RSO2.7: Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution.
Specific problem to be addressed Circular economy, green infrastructure, energy efficiency for schools and public institutions, climate change, waste etc.
Main project activities planned - Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy
- Actions for raising public awareness about the climate change and environmental opportunities of a circular economy.
- Actions for improving the system of protection against natural disasters
- Actions of cross-border dimension to protect nature and biodiversity aiming at setting up ecological corridors to maintain and enhance healthy ecosystems
- Actions related to the protection of the environment etc.
Expected outputs and results Socio-economic development, sustainability of actions, raising public awareness of the eco and green environment, better quality of life for the communities, green economy, digitalization etc.
State your area of expertise / interest Business environment for economic sustainability in cross border region, green municipalities, energy efficiency, IT and AI, entrepreneurships, eco actions etc.
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