The screens for inserting the data for the Progress Report in the MIS are ready. We are attaching to this email a general user guide for entering a Progress Report to the MIS by  the Lead Partner.

All Progress Reports submitted until the end of 2018 will be entered as one report.
the instructions in order for you to insert all data ta you have so far submitted via hard copy are described in this email:

When creating the Progress Report the user will have to choose the version of the Application Form that was In force on 31/12/2018
While completing the Accumulative Progress Report  the user has to make inputs according to the following instructions.

A. General Data
Reporting Semester = B
Reporting Period Start: Start of the Project
Reporting Period End = 31/12/2018

 Β. Indicators
Annual Accomplishment
Total = Sum of value of indicator achieved until 31/12/2018

 C. Progress activity report
Summary of the project’s achievements so far: Summary of the project’s achievements until 31/12/2018
Summary of the project’s achievements during this reporting period: Summary of the project’s achievements until 31/12/2018
Analytical description of the implemented actions, outputs and results during this reporting period: Analytical description of the implemented actions, outputs and results until 31/12/2018

D. Financial Report
Contracted Budget = Contracted Budget according to the Application Form that was In force on 31/12/2018
Reporting Period Payments = Sum of all payments made until 31/12/2018

E. Publicity
Comments : The user must enter all publicity actions that took place until 31/12/2018

The user must attached all signed card copies of Progress reports submitted to the JS until 31/12/2018

Section 4
The fields  Expenditure paid out during this reporting period and “TOTAL Expenditure paid out including this reporting period” must have the same value.
The filed  “Verified Expenditure during this reporting period” must add up all per deliverable all expenditures verified until 31/12/2018.
The filed “TOTAL Verified Expenditure including this reporting period” will have the same value as the field  “Verified Expenditure during this reporting period

– The Progress Reports submited to the JS for year 2019 onwords will be entered after the Accumulative Progress Report is appoved from the JS
– The Accumulative Progress Report must be submited through the MIS until the 10/02/2020
– The Progress Reports submited to the JS for year 2019 onwords will have the real data as submited to the JS or is to be submitted to the JS.
– The Progress Report refering to the first semester of 2019 must be submited through the MIS until the 28/02/2020
– The Progress Report refering to the second semester of 2019 must be submited through the MIS until the 20/03/2020
– The submission dates of the progress report that follow (after 01/01/2020) will follow the rules as describe in the Manual of each Program


Once again we would like to unterline that every Progress Report must be sumbitted after the previous has been approved by the Joint Secretariat.

MIS_Progress Report Manual (EN)
MIS_Progress Report Manual (EL)