declaration by young people on the future of territorial cooperation
What is the cooperation project of your dreams? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a border region? What is the added value that Interreg brings to your region? These are some of the questions addressed in the Declaration by young people on the future of territorial cooperation.
This declaration is the result of a consultation process held on November 15 in Brussels during the event “Youth for Future Cooperation – On the road to Interreg GO!”. The event brought together 100 young people to contribute their perspectives on shaping the future of territorial cooperation after 2027.
The declaration contains seven recommendations, and several concrete actions aimed at facilitating their implementation. Overall, these conclusions stress the importance of four main issues:
- Integrating and empowering border regions to create a more connected and inclusive approach to border regions in areas such as transport, education, and labour markets.
- Breaking down barriers to foster cooperation and making it easier for people and businesses to work together across borders.
- Involving everyone by engaging diverse stakeholders, including young people and underrepresented communities.
- Mainstreaming youth by prioritising inclusion of young people in all policy objectives, increasing education and communication efforts.
The declaration is being disseminated among Managing Authorities and Joint Secretariats of Interreg Programmes, stakeholders, Macro-Regional Strategies, and other relevant institutions. It will serve as a key reference for the European Commission in drafting the Interreg Regulations for the post-2027 Cohesion Policy.
Please find the declaration in pdf format here:
Source: Inforegio